The Strange Encounter book review!!

The book " AnΕa, Hanu & the thump" is a cute illustrated children's fiction by Author Aditi Nagpal.
The story is set in India but unlike others stories, it revolves around animals who are the protagonists in this book.
The main characters include the three mentioned in the title, namely Anna - the elephant, Hanu the monkey and Bapa - the Barapasauras.
Anna is an intelligent and strong elephant who is considered the big brother among other animals who lives in the Banana Grove. Hanu othe other hand, is a wise and clever monkey who lives on the Jamun tree.
The story starts exactly when once a humongous Barapasauras dinosaur enters in the jungle. He is huge in size but humble at heart. However the destruction and the events he is about to bring are unimaginable.
Anna and Hanu spoke to Bapa and came to that he was just passing by and he is in a journey back to his home. And that's when Anna decides something big for which the entire jungle is in shock and disappointment.
What's Anna's decision? Did the dinosaur cause anything bad to the Jungle? What happens in the end between Anna and Hanu? Read this lovely illustrated book nad find your answers.
The book has a beautiful in and out appearance with a thoughtful story delivered in a simplest way possible to ensure that kids understand them easily. The illustrations that were added in between the story, caught my eyes. Overall a well penned and designed book.
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