The Strange Encounter book review!!

  The Strange Encounter by Duriya Kasubhai is an emotionally charged historical fiction set in 1970s Leicester, England. The story follows Mabel, a police recruit who, while on duty, encounters a stranger who presents her with an irresistible proposition. Click here to buy !! Despite her commitments, Mabel finds herself drawn into a whirlwind of emotions that complicate her professional and personal life. As Mabel grapples with love, duty, and unexpected complications from her employer, the story delves into the complexities of human emotions. Plot: The novel takes readers on a journey of self-discovery as Mabel navigates the fine line between duty and desire. From initial resistance to the undeniable pull of love, Mabel's journey is filled with emotional intensity, moments of anguish, and surprising revelations. The central conflict arises from her internal struggle between following her heart and maintaining her professional integrity, leading to a clima...

Lost love late love review!!

 ⭐ My Rating - 5/5⭐

The book " Lost Love Late Love " is a fictional story written by Author Namrata Gupta.

Before going into the review, I would put forward some words from my mind. Any relationship to be successful, doesn't require any high level qualities. But on a long run, they must have trust, be truthful, give freedom to live the way they like and most importantly to be themselves without faking it. When their is any compulsion or enforcement of anything on the other person just because you don't like it, it highly affects the relationship. If the same continues to overrule a relationship then that's what we call an abusive or toxic relationship. This book is one which highly concentrates on this topic.

The story revolves around Kashika, a 22 year old girl who is in such a toxic relationship with a guy called Vivaan for almost 2 years. He actually keeps her under his limitations and boundaries. He is highly dominating and doesn't let her do things without his acceptance. She is completely controlled by him in all aspects. Yet her love doesn't let her give up on him, hoping that one day he would change.

But things are worse and she eventually leaves him.

When she was into depression and coping up from it, their enters Vidit. He comes into her life to bring her happiness and joy. He is actually engaged with Natasha. Kashika develops feelings for him. But little did they know that this new relationship would bring twists in their life. What happens in the end? Read the book and find out what this book has to unfold your thoughts. Overall it was a good read and readers could relate themselves with the plot at some places.


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